My name is Apryl Roland.
I think in pictures. Seriously. I see the world as frames through my camera lens. I have been fanatically taking pictures since I was a teenager. What began as this urge to document my life turned into a real love for the art of photography.
It’s an obsession, I admit it. But I never considered it for a career because I was afraid of making it my “job.” I went to college and got degrees in French and Communication. Oui, je parle français. Vous?
I have never formally studied photography. However, I’m a firm believer that if you really love something, you work much harder at it on your own.
And so... Pause Picture was born in early 2013 as I, on a whim, began to sell photography on a website called Etsy. If I’ve learned anything, it’s to indulge your whims. Some of the biggest and best things in your life can come from the tiniest thoughts. Let them grow.
Besides photography, I also work with my husband in the music business. I am based in Winston Salem, NC.

Finding the story
Occasionally I do lifestyle photography as well as videography. It's not where I spend the majority of my time, so I only take on projects that make sense for both me and my clients.
What you should know before anything else... I am interested in the story. Remember when I said I started with a camera to document my life? I still want to document real life. My photography is journalistic. Whether I’m shooting a landscape or a portrait, I’m trying to tell the story of what I see - how it fits into its space, what emotion it evokes, how it describes the world around it. That doesn't happen in a photography studio, so I don't have one.
There is a moment when what would be an ordinary photograph turns into commentary. I’m chasing that moment.
Wanderer with a camera
I consider myself first and foremost a fine art photographer. It’s my favorite niche and while my work is not highly conceptual, I love to adventure near and far to capture landscapes, cities and all the details of places, life and culture. I like seeking the truth. Then I add my own art to it. I’m proudly a wanderer... with a camera.
Wander with me.
What I love about traveling for photography is that you and I connect because of these images. More than likely, we've both been there, we both love the scene. I think about your possible stories and your lives when I capture the shot, because I know I'm capturing a part of your history or your future dreams. When you find my photography, it's like you've answered my call.
The world is our stage.

My Clients include